Anak Kepulauan Wakatobi Belajar Perkembangan




            To day, the world  facing the unstop able development of technology. It  gives effect to all nations not a few in the world. Each country is trying to compensate for globalization. One way to be taken is to prepare human resource (HR) quality
           The life of society, nation and state, in our country is also experiencing growth and changes constantly as the accumulation in response to the problems that occur at this time due to the influence of global change. Progress of a nation determined its human resources, quality of human resources itself depends on the quality of education. Role of education is very important to create a society of intelligent, peaceful, open and democratic.
Educational change must always be done to improve the quality of education of a nation. Development of education in addition to expanding educational opportunities as well as enhance the quality and relevance of improving education. UU.RI No.20 of 2003 Chapter I Article 1 Education is the conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and process
learning so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the necessary skills themselves, society, nation and state.
In Act No.20 of 2003 on national education system which is then spelled out in regulations 19 of 2005 on national education standards mentioned that national education should be able to ensure equal educational opportunities, improve the quality and relevance and efficiency of education management. Educational equity embodied in the 9-year compulsory education program. Improving the quality of education is to improve the quality of the whole man through the heart though, if the mind, exercise, in order to have competitiveness in facing global challenges. Increased relevance of education to produce graduates who realized according to the demanding needs-based natural resources of Indonesia. Improved efficiency of education management through the implementation of school-based management and educational reform process in a planned, purposeful and sustainable
Mastery of English in the era of globalization is a must for all people without exception. Because English is considered as the most important means of communication to respond to the demands of Indonesian society that advances the time of technological development requirements.
         learning English in school aims for students to know themselves, their culture, and culture of others, present ideas and feelings, participating in the community who use the language, making responsible decisions in personal and social level, finding and using analytical and imaginative abilities that there is in him. Providing education in an effort to improve the quality of human resources is expected to have a role to improve English language skills for students to prepare themselves to Indonesia in the global community with the ability to use English as the language of communication, in the context of spoken or written. Have the language skills will help students to develop themselves intellectually, socially, and emotionally.
English in Indonesia learn from primary school level to college level, especially the junior level (secondary school) and school (high school) English is a compulsory subject and is given as a means of self-development of science, technology and art. But one can deny This is the invisibility of the trend that even though the students are learning English for years in school, but the ability to use English among the first schools in general, and sit on medium low. Only few among them who are able to use English as a means of oral and written communication
         We can observe that so far the learning results, especially in junior high school is still fac from expected because of many factors that inhibit learning English less desirable students, in order to anticipate weaknesses in teaching and learning it needs careful planning from all component, included in the yunior high school Three Wangi Wangi.
         Based on the above background the authors are interested in doing research with the title " FACTORS THAT OBSTRUCT STUDENTS ABILITIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH ( CASE STUDY AT YUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3 IN SOUTH WANGI-WANGI )’’

        Based on the above background description of the problem can be formulated as follows:
Factors that inhibit students
of  classes VII yunior high school Three Wangi-Wangi  in learning English at school include:
         1. External Factors
         2. Internal  Factors
C.    Objectives and The Benefits Of The Research
1. Objectives Of The Research
            The purpose of this study was to find factors that inhibit a class VII students  yunior high school Three Wangi Wangi.  in learning English in school.
        2. Benefits Of The Research
Expected benefits of this research are:
a.      Practical Benefits
 As information materials for teachers at Junior High School Three
Wangi - Wangi in conducting the teaching-learning process. As an information for schools in yunior high school Three Wangi Wangi on the inhibiting factors in implementing the student ability in learning English, so that  steps can be taken to overcome them.
b.      Theoretical Benefits
As an input material for teachers, especially English subject in class VII in   implementing affective learning and can be used as reference and comparison for subsequent research that has to do with this research

A. The Concept of Education
          Education can be interpreted as meaning human attempts to develop his personality in accordance with the values ​​in society and culture. How simple it occurs inside the civilization of a society or an ongoing educational process, because that is declared education has existed throughout human civilization, education is essentially a human attempts to preserve his life.
Educating and teaching is an act of paramount importance and high standing to bring a human child on a human level and civilization. Without the education of children can not reach the dignity of humanity, not the ordinary into a whole person, not too unusual to be social beings, and the man of God Almighty is virtuous. Because the human child is born in straitened circumstances complete, with the instincts and functions rohania jasmania and undeveloped.
Efforts to educate always takes place also in the existential contact between students with adults, with the surrounding property, and the government. Therefore, the government is very concerned with the management of education with the goal of building a fully human  as well as a good citizen. Besides, creating a form of a prosperous society and live together in harmony with his time.
Various definitions and understanding of education in various books and literature:
According to the American Higher Education 11: 15 In Malang Team Training College Lecturer. (1980: 30) stated as follows:
Education is an institution civilized society, but the purpose of education are not the same in all societies. An education system find it's guilding principles and ultimate goals in the AIMS and philosophy of the social order in Greenwich it functions.

         Education is an institution in every civilized society, but the purpose of education is not the same in every society. The educational system of a society (nation) and the goals of education is based on the principles (values​​) of the ideals and philosophy prevailing in a society.
Demand Brubacher book "Modern Pilosophies Education" team role in Malang Lecturer interpreted as follows:
Education is the organized development and equipment of all the power of a human being, intellectual, and physical, by good habitat, by and for Their individual and social uses, directed to ward the union there with Their activities as Their creator is final and education the process in the which the power (Abilities, capacities) of the which men are susceptible to habituation are perfected by good habitat, by means artiscally contrived, and employed by a download to help another of Himself Achieve the end inview.(1980:6).

         Education is defined as the reciprocal of each human person in adapting themselves to nature, with friends, and with the universe. Education is also an organized and complete development of all the potential, the human moral, intellectual and jasmania (five senses), by and for the personality of the individual and community uses, which aimed to bring together all the activities for the purpose of his life (skills, capabilities, people are easily influenced by good habits), by means of (media) are arranged in such a way and managed by humans to help others for himself to achieve the goals set.

B. The
Concept Of Teaching and Learning Strategies
        In language, the strategy can be interpreted as a strategy, tips, tricks, or how. While the general outline of the strategy is a course of action to achieve the intendedpurpose
        The teaching and learning strategies could be interpreted as a general pattern of activities of teacher-student preformance embodiment of learning to achieve the goals outlined telag. Or in other words, learning strategies teach a number of measures that are engineered in such a way as to achieve a specific teaching purposes.
         Teaching is a complex process. Not just convey information from teacher to student. Many activities and actions to be done, especially when the desired learning outcomes are better than all students.
According Oemar Hamalik (1992) defines, teaching as a process of imparting knowledge and skills to students. In another sense, also explained that teaching is a professional activity that requires high-level skills related to decision making

C. The
Concept Of Curriculum
The curriculum is a set planing and setting the objectives, content, and teaching materials and methods used to guide the learning activities organizer to achieve specific educational objectives (Law No. 20 of 2003). Basic education curriculum must include:
1.      Religious Education
2.      Civic education
3.      Language
4.       Mathematics
5.       Natural Science
6.      Social Science
7.      Art culture
8.      Physical education and sport
9.      Skills, vocational
10.  Local Conten
D. Manage Compotence of  Teachers in Teaching and Learning
Teachers are educators who provide a number of science to the students at the school (Saiful Bahri Djamara, 2002) In addition to providing a number of science teachers has also served to instill values ​​and attitudes to the students so that students have a perfect personality. With its scholarly, teachers guide students in developing their potential.
In addition, a teacher is also required to know the range of competence in carrying out keguruannya profession in order to create a good learning environment for students, so the goal can be achieved with optimal teaching. This shows how important the role of the teacher in determining the success of teaching and learning.
While teachers are responsible adults who provide help to students in the development of physical and spiritual, in order to achieve the level of maturity, able to stand alone and meet the level of maturity, able to stand alone fulfill his duty as a servant and vicegerent of Allah SWT and capable as
social beings and as social beings and as an independent living (Muhaimin and Abdul Mujib, 1993: 44)
Thus, the competence of teachers is the teacher's ability in carrying out duties in a responsible and viable. Competencies held by each teacher will show the quality of teachers in teaching. These competencies will be realized in the form of acquisition of knowledge and carry out its function as a professional teacher. This means that teachers must not only smart, but also must be good at transferring their knowledge to students.
         As an educator, teacher in charge and instill the values ​​and attitudes to their students. To carry out these duties, required different skills and personalities.
E.     The concept of Language
    Humans communicate through language by way of written and oral. Communication is done with the writing does not involve human speech synthesizers. In contrast, oral communications made involving human speech synthesizers. In learning a language, one must master the four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. All four language skills are highly related and reinforce each other
  A person can be said the succesing learn a language if the person can hear, speak, read, and write the language of the learned

  1. Research Site
         The research site is in yunior high school Three of  South Wangi – Wangi Wakatobi Regency. It held on full semester of march at the year of  2011/2012
  1. Population and Study Sample
         The population or the subject of informants in this study is the Head of School 1 (one), Deputy Head of the School curriculum Part 1 (one) and, subject teachers of English that can provide information regarding to  the factors that  obstruct  student in learning english of student class one (VII).
  1. Data Collection Techniques
The data in this study is qualitative. To obtain the required data in this
study, data collection using the following techniques:
1.  Library Research, is used in order to obtain information   relating to the problems of theoretical research, conducted by reviewing scientific books and other scholarly writings that have anything to do with object / problem That study which factors obstruct the student in learning english class especially one of student
2. Field Research,  the research conducted field studies using techniques as follows:
a. Questionnaire (Questionnaire), which is deploying a written list that has been systematically arranged for the respondent to answer a class VII student at yunior High School Three of South Wangi Wangi

b. Interview, which is conducting interviews with students as informants to determine the limiting factor. Documentation, collect written documents,  either data or images: specifically related to factors that hinder students in learning English
  1. Data Analysis Techniques
        The data used in this study was analyzed using descriptive qualitative data obtained from the field through a questionnaire and interview techniques first processed and then analyzed systematically before entering the study site and then inferred to be interpreted in knowing facto grip-inhibiting factor VII graders Yunior High School Three of  Wangi-Wangi in learning English. These results are intended to not only retrieve the data or information that is really needed, but also examine and assess its validity in order to obtain the data or information derived from research activities
  1. Operational Definition
The operational definition in this study are:
1.      An inhibiting factor is the system intended by writing, speaking, reading and    listening
2.      Factors that hinder students is the difficulty experienced by students in the learning process, including barriers to the ability of students to receive lessons in English.
3.      Learning Language is a study of technis to train students  to the value of  communication so that they can use language appropriately. Learning a language is a natural response to the needs of communication (both productive and receptive). Therefore, we must try to convince the students to always pay attention to the values ​​of communication of what they learned


  1. Brief History of SMP Negeri 3 Wangi Wangi
Junior High School Junior High School Three of Wangi Wangi established in 2003 and started to use  in 2004/2005 with the status of public schools and by Regent Decree No. Buton. 73 of 2004, which is located at 2 Village street Motika Mandati III
       At that time Mr. La Ode Wulolo, S.Pd became the first headmaster. This school was built on a land area of ​​15,000 square meters. At this stage of development of the Yunior high School Three of Wangi-Wangi. School has a vision and mission as follows:
Vision and Mission:
1.         Cultivate attitudes toward religion and profess that can preserve the national culture as a source of wisdom in the act
2.        Optimizing the learning and provide effective guidance-guidance according to its potential
3.        Optimizing an effort to motivate and help students to understand the potential and identity, to develop a reasonable
4.       Creating a mode for coaching and conditions for students to powerful creations and non-academic achievers in various fields
The location of the boundaries
at Yunior High School Three of Wangi - Wangi include:
a.       In the north adjacent to the location of Wangi-Wangi MAN
b.      eastern border with the location of public land
c.       South adjacent with the art buildings
d.      West is adjacent with the  motika road
  1. State facilities and Infrastructure
        Yunior high school Three of  Wangi Wangi until the year 2011/2012 has an overall total of 14 buildings were constructed permanent.
For more details, state of facilities and infrastructure can be seen in the followi
ng       Table 1.Types of facilities and infrastructure

Types of facilities and infrastructure
The provision of adequate




Principals Room



Stage of development

Multipurpose Building


       Sources: Office of the yunior high school Three of WangiWangi 2012
C. Teacher and Administrative Staff
Yunior High school Three of  Wangi-wangi  Lessons Year 2011/2012 has a permanent civil servants as many as 23 people as well as non-permanent teachers and 10 educational staff  with the classification shown in table 2 below:

Table 2
Teachers and administration

Sarjana (S1)

Diploma Tiga (D3)

Diploma Dua (D2)

Diploma Satu (D1)

SMA/ Sederajat

Sources: Office of the yunior high school Three of WangiWangi 2012
D.    Students State
        Yunior high school three of  south Wangi-Wangi 2011/2012 has as many as 381 students. This amount consists of as many as 154 students of VII, VIII class 131 and class IX as many as 96 students

Table 3

Sources: Office of the yunior high school Three of WangiWangi 2012

Ability to communicate in English is essential. Especially in the face of globalization of information, development of science and the free market. Mastery of English will help compensate and confidence preformance international relations, which in turn will advance the nation Indonesia Teaching English in Grade yunior high school based considerations. The general considerations indicate that the yunior high school of Wangi-Wangi experienced some inhibiting factor in learning the English language seen in the chart below

1. External Factors
a. The Teacher Factor
     The process of learning English in junior high school three of  Wangi-Wangi constrained because the number of  teachers is very limited, the number of English teachers is only 3 persons and they  must teach three levels of classes, each class is divided into several rooms. Besides that the lack of teacher training makes it difficult to determine the capabilities, methods and evaluation in the implementation of the learning process. And more important that teachers should have a character that can arouse students' enthusiasm and interest. They are as follows:
1. Patient, the teacher does not direct the emotions in facing students who are not interested or mischievous crowded and clashing.
2. Have 3 greats (smile, greet, polite) at the time to start teaching. Teachers must showed friendly, greeting, and appreciat students
3. Appreciate the lack of students, teachers should considered to those who not follows the subjects
4. Fair, by not determined then as stupid distinguish students who are clever and not clever in the classroom
5. Kind, teachers are always happy to provide a solution to students who face difficulting in receiving lessons
6. Discipline, teachers must be on time
7. Not to Frightining students by giving comets that student will not for the class
8. Having a passion in teaching

b. School Environmental Factors
    Support of  the school is very inportant  if the infrastructures can be met in order to achieve the target of learning excellence. There are four aspects of learning English, ie: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. So far at the school level, English language learning in yunior high school three of Wangi-Wangi is not meet aspects of the language learning facilities such language laboratory and atc
c. Students' Motivation Factors and Parental
   Development and advancement of  intelegency junior high school students could not be sported by parents. Guidance when students are well guided and supported  by parents, indirectly, it became the basis for students to study hard and active
           especially urge the importance of English language courses. Although  teachers can help parents to progress the students ability, but the motivation of the students themselves are low, for example, lack the courage to use or practice the English language is being learned.
        There are two possible mistakes in learning english-language. First mistakes is sometimes difficult to be repaired because we feel right based on the source or the guid lines, the second mistake ignorance. that's a limiting factor in developing students learning skills
2. Internal factors
Mistakes in Memorizing
Class VII consists of six classes with 154 student the mistake memorizing in english language lessons are similar verbs section, even with the noun, while those are quite different for example:
Love → Love, Loves, Loved
Water → Water, waters, watered
Gift → Give, Gives, Gave
→ Flame Burn, On, Ignite
Pronunciation → to Pronounce
→ Eat
,  Ate, Eaten
b. Speaking Skills
    In the process of learning in the classroom, students are the dominant mistake in pronunciation:
1. Mistake On Pronunciation and Spelling (Misspelling)
      The most severe errors that occur in students is the standard error as a greeting speech, for example: greeting a - b - c should be (a - read / e / ae), but almost all students in grade 1 reading spelling in Indonesian. While there are spelling mistakes in the use of language such as:
Bussines or Business
Planing or Planning
Usefull or Useful
Managemence or management
And other difficulties that a greater burden than the 1.3-grade students with other classes is that if both are correct spelling but different meanings and usage,
for example:
Importance or Important
Physics or Phychic
Principle or principal
Effect or affect
Receipt or Recipe, Receive
2.  Use of Tense
      The use of tense for a junior high school students in grade 3 grade fragrant-scented 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 as the sample shows that an error occurred tense usage example:
She always study in the morning
Should be: She always studies in the morning
I go to school everyday
Should be: I am going to school everyday
She went to market to buy sugar
Should be: She is going to the market to buy sugar
3. Use of vocabulary
      Yunior high school three  students skills-scented fragrance of class VII to the use of vocabulary is still very much as expected, it can be known from the material tasks given to all grade VII to the theme of education that is fabricated without using a dictionary, a total of two paragraphs to a paragraph consists of 5 lines .
Writing sample:
      Promptly at 6:00 I woke up from my bed so long, my eyes still feel sleepy, but the sound of the rooster crows incessantly and from the kitchen mother was busy cooking and occasionally with a soft voice calling my name. Did not feel the time go by, it was after 6:30 I will rush into the bathroom.
Not finished breakfast and were dressed in less than 5 minutes to go apple school starts. Without parents goodbye at the school that I will run to 1 kilo meter away from my house, but when he got in school, some students tarmasuk I was sanctioned by the teacher on duty to clean the school yard until the first hour of the lesson went. It turned out learning from the experience was very rewarding.
      From the results of the assessment for the use of vocabulary in the junior 3-Wangi Wangi almost no value approaching 100%, the highest average value of only 50% of the can be concluded that the main factor to be inhibitors of vocabulary in English language learning in addition to contributing factors other barriers
c.       Reading skills
      As an inhibiting factor students class VII yunior high school three graders understand English lessons at school due to internal factors such as: knowledge of the language, the desire to read, and interest in reading in the school environment and in home. While external factors are the environmental conditions are not fully conducive to student learning, and limitations number of reading material that is general english books for most students rely on books LKS (student worksheet) and guidelines that teachers use
      To measure the students' weaknesses factors are given examples of reading stories to read at home and then students are asked to read back in front of the classroom discourse. It turned out that the weakness of students in reading skills focused on intonation factor because most students SMPN 3 Wangi - Wangi is a local community (mandati) and bajo communities that have a culture of cultural, social and language of each, so that the influence of regional dialects dominate at the time of reading the language english.
 examples of reading
     Professor Carter visited some friends on the other side of town. After a good dinner and a game of cards, he said, "I m going to  walkhome now."But his hostess looked out of the window and said, "the weather is very bad. It's cold, wet, and windy. Please stay here tonight ". She went and made ​​him a bed.
      After a few minutes, she came back to the living-room, but the professor was not there.she and hes husband waited for half an hour, and then They, went to bed. But then the professor knocked at the back door of the house. He was very wet. His host Came to the door. "You are here!" He sais appily."Yes", the professor answered. He smiled and said, "I went home and got my Pyjamas

d.      writing skills
To measure the extent to which barriers to class VII student of English in terms of writing, the method used is to instruct students to observe objects or things that are in the classroom and outside the classroom / school yard and then record in the English language are:
Inanimate objects: Pen, Markers, pens, bags, Erasers, Shoes, Books,    Windows, Doors, Flooring, Stone, Soil, Chairs, Tables, flag poles, trash
Living things: Trees, Flowers, Grass
From the above data indicate that the VII grade students on average are able to write the name of the object being viewed, but many are constrained in terms of writing methods include the use of capital letters in the first sentence:
Should be →Backboard
Should be → Backspace
Should be → Trash

e. Listening skills / listening
Listening activities of students begins with the reading of poetry that has been prepared. 1 paragraph 4 of the temple was read directly in front of students over three times the duration of the slow and the students were instructed to repeat the poem:
(My Poetry)
                              Child domestic Prayer
                              O... beautiful my country
                              Where the blue my sea
                              Where the green my leaf
                              And where my land is fertile ...
Inhibiting factors of listening activities for students in grade VII students are less concentrated towards the things that were listened to, besides that many students are also due to biological factors that have a minimal auditory function


  1. Conclusions
            Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be drawn some    conclusions as follows:
1.      The process of learning English in junior High School three of  Wangi-Wangi constrained  because number of the teachers is very limited,the are three number  of English teachers and they should teach grade levels, divided into several room
2.      . There are four aspects of learning English, is: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening.
3.       Mistakes in memorizing english language lessons such us similar verbs and etc.
4.      In the reading skills of external factors inhibiting the environmental conditions are not fully conducive to student as well as limitations of reading material
5.       Obstacle of class VII student in writing method is the use of capital letters in the first sentence.
6.      Biological factors are also obstruct the student ability in receiving materials that given by teacher.

B.     Suggestion
 The suggestions given by the researchers are as follows:
1. Especialy To the english teacher of Junior High School Three south  Wangi-Wangi, should be more understanding and enhance its ability to guide students especially in grade VII because it is a beginning level of class school and automatically the biological development factors (physical, thinking and mental) need  for guidance so that the inhibiting factors in receiving lessons can be controlled step by step
2. To the relevant institutions, especially the National Education, Youth and Sports of  should be able to provide training based on cognitive and affective education to create a qualified competence an teaching english


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